It is of core importance to focus on regional-scale trends and flows, as opposed to inward-looking local-scale issues during the development of the Karoo RSDF. This point of view also influences the project’s approach to participation. As the Region is located within the administrative boundary of four Provinces, it is proposed that four major joint engagement events (one per Province) be held at four central venues in the Region, as opposed to smaller events in single District or Local Municipalities. This will be done to ensure buy-in and attendance by officials in all four provinces, but within the understanding that the focus is on the Karoo Region and the role and place of the Region in the Province and vice versa, and not the particular Province concerned. This ‘region-focused view’ is crucial, the engagement process is viewed as the first step towards breaking down institutional and other boundaries in the region, and facilitating and ensuring better stakeholder collaboration, regional-scale planning, and institutional integration in the Region. From this perspective, any action that is seen as supporting or approving of inwardly-focused, competitive municipal or provincial planning and development will be avoided in the engagement process.
In the planning and scheduling of these meetings, a number of matters will be considered:
- The significant distances between towns and cities in the region, and the need to limit travel and accommodation costs;
- The possibility of piggy-backing on other events and forums to limit costs and enhance attendance;
- The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting restrictions on movement and face-to-face social interaction; and
- The access to electronic modes of communication in the Region, especially amongst rural and township-based communities.

PHASE 5 CONSULTATION 16 MARCH TO 15 MAY 2022: Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework Spatial Proposals and Implementation Framework
Karoo RSDF Draft Spatial Proposals and Implementation Framework focusses on the development of (1) a regional development vision, (2) regional development concepts, (3) development objectives and strategies, and (4) the overall RSDF map. The Implementation Framework tied to the Spatial Proposals focusses on (1) investment and (2) institutional issues.
To submit comments please make use of the comments template provided below and submit to:
To download the lower resolution version (14MB) of the Draft Karoo RSDF document, please click on the link below:
To download the high resolution version (27MB) of the Draft Karoo RSDF document, please click on the link below:
To download the Annexure A of the Draft Karoo RSDF document, please click on the links below:
To download the Annexure B of the Draft Karoo RSDF document, please click on the links below:
Karoo RSDF Comments Template
Colloquium Evaluation Survey
Please click here to complete the Colloquium Evaluation Survey
Phase 3: Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework Regional Synthesis Report
The Karoo RSDF Draft Regional Synthesis Report synthesises the trends, opportunities, and challenges from the Regional Situational Analysis to inform regional scale proposals.
The Karoo community is requested to submit any comments via the website ‘Contact’ page form or email before 6 January 2021.
Phase 3: Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework Regional Situational Analysis
The Karoo RSDF Draft Regional Situational Analysis undertakes a regional spatial analysis with the aim of drawing conclusions and identifying trends, opportunities, and challenges to inform regional scale proposals.
The Karoo community is requested to submit any comments via the website ‘Contact‘ page form or email before 6 January 2021.
Phase 3: Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework Survey
As part of the Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework process we are conducting a short online survey to get some ‘closer to the ground’ information and perceptions about the towns of the Karoo Region, to supplement the data-based analysis conducted up to this point in the project.
The survey can be completed on your smart phone, tablet or computer.
The closing date is 6 January 2021.
To complete the survey Click Here
Phase 2: Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework Status Quo Analysis
The Karoo RSDF Draft Status Quo Analysis focusses on the institutional, legal, policy and implementation environment of the Karoo Region.
The Karoo community is requested to submit any comments via the website ‘Contact‘ page form or email before 16 October 2020.