

Latest News: Karoo RSDF Draft Regional Situational Analysis and Synthesis Report

December 3rd, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

The following documents have been published for comment:

The Karoo community is requested to submit any comments via the website ‘Contact‘ page form or email info@karoo.co.za before 6 January 2021.

Latest News: Karoo RSDF Survey

November 26th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

As part of the Karoo Regional Spatial Development Framework process we are conducting a short online survey to get some ‘closer to the ground’ information and perceptions about the towns of the Karoo Region, to supplement the data-based analysis conducted up to this point in the project.

The survey can be completed on your smart phone, tablet or computer.

The closing date is 6 January 2021.

To complete the survey Click Here

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